Reusable Or Non-reusable Carrier Bags: Which One Is Best to Use

Reusable Or Non-reusable Carrier Bags: difference

Many businesses are seriously considering the environment and are already supplying eco-friendly bags, and printed bags for life, to their customers due to the concern of using plastic bags. Over the years, the companies would have noticed an increase in bag sales.

The more times you use your reusable bag, the more eco-friendly benefits it has as the bag is made once and used many times.

Custom carrier bags is great idea for branding and packaging. There are many different types that you need to consider when choosing the right one for your company.

Read also: Luxury Carrier Bags: Benefits Of Using Eco-Friendly Packaging

Let's discuss which carrier bags are reusable (recyclable) and which one are not - non-reusable (disposable) bag.

Reusable Or Non-reusable Carrier Bags: Which One Is Best to Use

Reusable Or Non-reusable Carrier Bags: Which One Is Best to Use

Non-reusable bags construction:

  • Basic plastic (HDPE)
  • Paper

Reusable bags construction is often:

  • Cotton
  • Polypropylene – a type of plastic but is recyclable and is more durable than the general disposable plastic bags
  • Non-woven Polypropylene – the fabric is eco-friendly with reinforced cross stitching on the handles to provide durability and strength
Reusable Or Non-reusable Carrier Bags: Which One Is Best to Use
Reusable Or Non-reusable Carrier Bags: Which One Is Best to Use

Which bags are the best for the environment? 

The production of recyclable bags requires more manufacturing power and therefore has a bigger carbon footprint.

With the reusable bags, the environmental effect is dependent on the materials used. Some materials do have an environmental impact on the planet. A reusable bag is typically more heavy-duty, more durable and resilient and therefore will last much longer.

Reusable Or Non-reusable Carrier Bags: Which One Is Best to Use
Reusable Or Non-reusable Carrier Bags: Which One Is Best to Use

These days disposable bags are biodegradable over time. Recyclable bags provide a greener solution. This is only the case if they are continually reused over and over again.

VR PACKAGING offers cotton bags and high quality kraft paper carrier bags which are 100% eco-friendly and reusable.  Custom design packaging will also provide ongoing advertising for your company at lower marketing costs and show you are environmentally friendly to the planet.

To get a quote email us: or apply in online form.